Okay, at least one inquiring mind does! My friend Jen posed two questions to me in the last couple of days. They are: "What is the most amazing thing God is doing in your life?" and "What is the best thing God has taught you lately?". Loaded questions huh? You'd have to know Jen, she's a thinker that's for sure! (You KNOW you are Jen!) ;)
Really I think my answer would be the same to both of these questions! The most amazing thing that God is doing is teaching me that I am who I am. You're probably thinking, "What?". What I mean is this: I am who and what He made me. Am I perfect? Absolutely not! Is He finished with me yet? Have I "arrived"? Goodness no! But, I am who I am right now and it's okay to be okay with that! I hope I'm making ANY sense to ANYone!
This has been a process. What hasn't?! I have finally realized that I do not have to be like anyone else. I think we as women, especially in the Christian community, really put pressure on ourselves and one another to fit some kind of mold. That mold looks different to everyone but it's one that we all dream up in our heads (or a bunch of us do anyway). Some of the molds might be: we MUST stay home with our children, we MUST home school our children, we MUST be at church every time the doors are open, we MUST listen exclusively to Christian music, we MUST have hot meals on the table three meals a day seven days a weeks, we MUST have a spic and span house.... or we aren't "good" Christian women. You get the point! I've made myself feel guilty over all of these things at some point in time! Craziness! None of us is good, not even one! That's Scriptural, I don't think any of the "MUST do's" that I've listed are. Someone please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Here's my point. None of these things are bad. In fact, they are all admirable qualities to have and strive for. But, God may not have these things in mind for ALL of us! Some of our "duties" are very clearly laid out in Scripture. Yes, we should put our families and homes first. But, the way that plays out in everyone's lives may look different!
So... God is teaching me not to beat myself up for not being ALL and doing ALL! He's teaching me that I don't have to be like so and so. I am one woman doing the very best I can TODAY for my family! Isn't THAT what He asks of me? The point is, what is He asking of you (and me)? Not Mrs. Jones or Mrs. Smith, but you!
Some lessons come very hard! I'll have to post on that one at another time!
Hello world!
8 months ago
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