Cruise control obedience is the term coined by Jerry Bridges and he illustrates it in his book "Discipline of Grace" which I am studying with a group of ladies at my church.
Here is cruise control obedience in a nutshell. We as Christians tend to set the cruise control of our obedience to God. We reach a certain level of "acceptable" obedience, usually determined by our Christian peer groups. Then we just kinda cruise along in life. We become comfortable. Not that we are doing anything "wrong" necessarily but we are not loving God with all of our heart, soul and mind as commanded in Scripture. Therefore, we are not obeying Him as such either.
With that said... here is something that Bridges wrote that hit me like a ton of bricks:
God is not impressed with our worship on Sunday morning at church if we are practicing "cruise-control" obedience the rest of the week. You may sing with reverent zest or great emotional fervor, but your worship is only as pleasing to God as the obedience that accompanies it.
Does that strike anyone else? So, I guess my question or challenge is... are you/am I a cruise-control believer. I think to a large degree I am. I am comfortable that I am obedient to "the biggies". And, you know the ones I'm talking about. But what about the "little" stuff? The stuff that no one sees but God Himself? Am I obedient or actively working toward obedience to those things out of a love for my Creator and Savior? Generally speaking... I don't think I am. I may wish I were or have good intentions but is my foot on the accelerator with the pedal to the metal? Most of the time not!
Forgive me Lord! Do a work in me. Show me how! I am unable on my own.
Hello world!
8 months ago
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