Nothing too exciting though! Same ole same ole. Running kids to school, grocery store trips, art club with Dani, volunteering in Hannah's classroom, movie night at school.... I shutter to think of how busy we're going to be when all four of our kids are involved in various things! Will be a juggling act I'm sure.
Part of the reason it's been a while is because this happened last time I came downstairs to post!
It seems that climbing onto the kitchen chairs has become a favorite pastime of my son! I have to say that I don't discourage the climbing within reason. I figure that he's going to climb, that's what boys do! If he fall, he'll learn his lesson! But, I should probably discourage the many tiny bites taken out of the apples in the fruit basket, huh? This day I decided to just roll with it and let him have a snack of apple. Dani then had to join in!
Keven and his dad. Keven says he was being silly flexing his muscles and Dave wasn't supposed to take the picture yet. If you know him like I do... I'm suspect! tee hee!
Now we're geared for a fairly relaxed weekend. Well, maybe not relaxed - menus have to be made, clothes picked out for next week, bills to be paid, grocery lists to be made - you get the picture. But, there's nothing extracurricular going on! Yay!
We're hoping Daddy will get days off soon. He's had a handful of days at home since the beginning of August. He is building a new rig with his company and it has taken a lot of his time. He has been home most nights even if it's been late. He's been able to be home pretty faithfully on Sundays and he took some days off for hunting... and a day to rescue our children from me. They were going to die if he didn't come home - meaning I was going to kill them. Not seriously of course! You mommies know what I'm talking about!
I guess that's our week in a nutshell! Those of you who know our plight with our very difficult child named Dani, please continue to pray for us! We are in a pit again as far as this is concerned. Please pray for wisdom for us and for consistent and confident discipline on our parts. And, cohesion as a team in parenting! That's so hard to do! This too shall pass!
Until next time... which hopefully won't be as long in coming!
It's so good to hear from you again girl!!!
When they are that cute what can you do! Sometimes I just smile and nod.
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