I cannot believe it's been almost a month since I posted on here! What a slacker huh? I must admit, though, that I've been pretty good at keeping up with my Facebook... it's my blog that's been suffering. And, I've thought about posting several times but just never got to it. But, I know there are some of you out there who read my blog and are not on Facebook, so to you I apologize. There's been a ton of stuff going on in the lives of the Moseleys! So, needless to say, this will be the mother of all blog posts. Hope you have on your comfy pants and a cup of coffee because this may take a while!
I guess the first event since my last post would be Marlie's NINTH birthday. My goodness, where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday that we found out we were having our first baby and now here we are. Pretty soon she'll be "all growed up and haired over" (a family saying I guess) and we'll really be scratching our heads! Her celebrations started at school with a birthday bash at the end of the day. It was on Tyler's actual 2nd birthday (I'll post about that coming up) so she really wanted him to be there! We all went, even Hannah got out of class to help her big sister celebrate! It was fun. The whole class sang happy birthday to Marlie and her brother and we enjoyed cupcakes and ice cream! Then Marlie's friend, also a Hannah, spent the night with us. Marlie had a hard time choosing a friend to come stay but ended up choosing Hannah because she won't be going to school with Marlie next year. They are both so sad about that! Anyway, Marlie opened some presents that night! She got a bunch of things that she really liked but the ipod from Mom and Dad was a hit for sure!
That night all of us girls went to the high school's production of "Seussical the Musical", which they did a fantastic job on by the way!
On Friday morning we all got up and headed to Denver to go to the Aquarium. We've been there a few times as a family but Marlie's friend Hannah had never been so that's where she chose to go! How sweet is that!? From what I hear, Hannah totally loved it too! Good choice Marlie! And the final phase of Marlie's birthday celebration was a trip to her favorite restaurant, Cinzetti's! It's an Italian market style place. Too fun!
Friday afternoon, Hannah went home and the preparations for Tyler's 2nd birthday party the next day started! We made cupcakes (which Keven decorated) and strawberry ice cream piggies (which Keven did most of the decorating on), do you see a trend here?! They all turned out really cute!
So then Saturday was Tyler's big SECOND birthday. Again, where does the time go people? It was a John Deere themed party because the boy is obsessed with tractors. Well, just about anything mechanical but John Deere things in particular. We had a fairly small get-together with a lot of kiddos! It was fun!
Before I post this next video, I MUST explain. My mom called on the actual day of Tyler's birthday to sing to him. This is a video of Tyler asking her to sing it to him again, and AGAIN! So cute!
And here is a picture slide show of Marlie and Tyler's birthday celebrations!
RIGHT after Tyler's birthday party, Marlie had her piano recital! She did wonderfully!

Later that week, Marlie had her very first science fair! Her project idea was to see if the more expensive waterproof mascaras are "more waterproof" than the inexpensive ones. It was an experience I can say that! She wasn't much into the experimentation part of it, but putting the ideas all together and on her board was right up her alley! Here is a picture that her teacher took of her with her board! Oh, and if you're curious, the $3.50 Maybelline was just as good as the $24 Lancome or whatever it was! ;)

A week later Marlie and Hannah had their Elementary Spring Concert with school. It was called "A Kaleidoscope of Music" and was very cute! Here is a short (and blurry) video of the K - 5 graders singing "In Christ Alone" (I think that's the right title)!
The next night was a camp out at school for students in grades 3 -5 who completed a certain amount of reading in the "Book Adventure" program. It was supposed to be outside, in tents, on the football field but cool weather and high winds moved it inside to the gym. My sweet husband went with Marlie and "camped" with her there overnight! What a fun time for them! He even volunteered to bring his guitar and sing some praise music to wind the evening down! What an awesome daddy!
The day AFTER THAT (imagine me taking a breath!)... Hannah lost a tooth! Her daddy had to trick her but he got it out of there!

And finally, to get us up to date... on this past Tuesday, the third grade teachers and girls had a girls only lunch where they did their hair, painted nails and just engorged themselves in generally primping of all sorts. Is that the neatest idea you have EVER heard of? It is for me! I thought it was awesome! Anyway, here is a picture slide show of the campout and day of pampering!
I think that's it for my mega blog post! I'll try to keep you up better! Until next time...